Menchi, also known as "Emergency Food Supply," is a dog which often attempts to escape or flee from Excel. She is a very optimistic dog yet in the end her freedom is snatched away.
Menchi no Aishu no Borero[]
At the end of each episode Menchi barks her song of sorrow (Menchi no Aishu no Borero) of being cooked while a human translator interprets her words to the audience.
In the last episode, the translator's role is reversed with Menchi's where it's the translator being cooked while Menchi translates for her.
In the full version of the song, it's implied that Menchi is successfully killed and cooked. Towards the end of the song she begins yelping erratically, with the translator interpreting that she is crying in pain from being cooked alive, followed by Menchi singing with a few more feeble sounding barks and then the song ends with the sound of a knife chopping spring onions and someone frying a pork cutlet in oil in order to create a tonkatsu. The version in which the translator takes Menchi's place also implies the translator is being cooked alive, but omits the chopping and boiling water sounds.